Donations, gifts, contributions, grants; you need them to achieve the mission of your organisation. To put it a bit more blunt; you need (financial) resources. Jet this is not the primary aim of your non-profit and, after all, you want to change the world for the better and didn’t become a sales manager. Still in the current global economy it’s also for non-governmental, governmental and not for profit organisation vital to work on their incoming cash flow.

Do you have a strategic plan to tie high end donors to your organisation? Can every visitor on your website make a donation within a few clicks? Does your merchandise has the best environmental and ethical standards? Are you up to date with all the social media options? These are just a few of the many questions that RDI Consulting can provide the right answers too.


Some things that RDI Consulting can help you with are:

  • Business Development
  • Websites and webshops
  • (Online) CRM’s and Project Management
  • Donation / fundraise strategy / Google Grants
  • Cross Marketing / Public – private partnership
  • Assessments and policy

Do you have questions about how business development can benefit the growth of your nonprofit? Are you an NGO that want to enhance collaboration with the private sector but don’t know how? Please contact RDi Consultancy; together we achieve the best innovations that we apply immediately.